Painless Normal Delivery in Kolkata

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What is Painless Normal Delivery?

Painless normal delivery is a procedure that involves the use of an epidural injection for pain management during childbirth.

This type of anesthesia offers significant relief from contractions without taking away the ability of the mother to sense the baby’s movement or push during delivery.

Dr. Shivanjali Nayak is a gynecologist specializing in painless normal delivery in Kolkata. If you are pregnant and desire a normal delivery, contact Dr. Nayak for more information.
Painless Normal Delivery

Duration of Painless Normal Delivery

The normal delivery time duration is usually like that of a C-section delivery. But, it mainly depends on factors like:

Individual Physiology

How quickly your body dilates and progresses through labor.

Baby’s Position

If the baby is in a suitable position, labor may progress more quickly.

Previous Births

If you have given birth before, labor might be shorter.
Generally, a normal delivery can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or more.

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    Steps of Painless Normal Delivery

    Dr. Shivanjali Nayak, the top normal delivery doctor in Kolkata has shared her insights below regarding the steps involved in a painless normal delivery.

    1. Early Labor

    Contractions: You will start experiencing regular, mild contractions that slowly become stronger, longer, and closer together.

    Cervical dilation: Your cervix will start to dilate or open to enable the baby to pass through.

    Epidural placement: The epidural will be administered after the dilation of the cervix.

    2. Active Labor

    Intense or strong contractions: During this time, the contractions will feel more strong and they will be more frequent.

    Cervical dilation: Your cervix will continue to dilate, reaching 4-7 centimeters.

    Pain management: The epidural will help manage the pain associated with the contractions.

    3. Transition

    Strongest contractions: You will gradually feel the most intense contractions as your cervix dilates to 8-10 centimeters.

    Cervical dilation: Your cervix will continue to dilate, reaching 4-7 centimeters.

    Pain management: The epidural will help manage the pain associated with the contractions.

    4. Pushing

    Delivery of the baby: You will push with each contraction to help deliver the baby.

    Epidural adjustment: The epidural may be temporarily turned off or adjusted by the normal delivery doctor to allow you to feel the pushing sensation.

    5. Delivery

    Afterbirth: The baby will be delivered safely and securely

    Recovery: You will have time to rest and bond with your newborn.

    These are the general normal delivery steps that are involved in the procedure.

    Benefits of Painless Normal Delivery

    Normal vaginal delivery with the help of epidural anesthesia provides multiple benefits for both mother and baby:

    For the Mother

    Reduced Pain:

    Epidurals reduce the pain related to childbirth. This provides a more comfortable experience and is recognized as one of the significant most normal delivery benefits.

    Increased Relaxation:

    The reduced pain can help mothers stay relaxed as well as focused during the normal delivery process which results in a more positive birthing experience.

    Improved Rest:

    Normal delivery epidural gives mothers the time to rest more during labor. This is particularly beneficial for maintaining their energy levels.

    Increased Control:

    Epidurals can give mothers a sense of control over their birthing experience. This helps them manage the pain and focus on the process.

    For the Baby

    Lower Stress Levels:

    A more relaxed mother can help reduce stress levels for the baby during delivery.

    Improved Fetal Heart Rate:

    Epidurals can help maintain a stable fetal heart rate, reducing the risk of complications.

    Recovery time after Painless Normal Delivery

    Normal delivery recovery time can vary from person to person. However, most women can expect to feel comparatively well within a few days. During the recovery, you might feel the following:

    Initial discomfort: You may experience some soreness or tenderness at the place where the epidural was administered along with fatigue from the labor process.

    Healing: The epidural site usually heals within a few days after the procedure.

    Mobility or Movement: Most women can go back to performing normal activities after the first few days.

    Pain management: Over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended by the doctor can help manage any discomfort.

    Rest: It’s important to take care of yourself during the recovery period.

    Factors that can influence recovery time

    Individual health: Your health and fitness level can affect how quickly you recover.

    Baby’s weight: A larger baby may require more effort during delivery, which can lead to an extended recovery time.

    Tearing: If you have experienced some kind of tearing during delivery, it may take longer for the area to recover.

    Recovery time after Painless Normal Delivery

    Features Painless Normal Delivery C-Section Delivery
    Pain Management It offers significant relief with an epidural injection It relies on natural pain relief techniques like regulating breathing patterns.
    Comfort level It is more comfortable It is less comfortable and more challenging
    Recovery time It involves quicker recovery It takes more time to recover
    Benefits It allows the mother and baby to feel relaxed It can be more physically demanding for the mother


    Dr. Shivanjali Nayak recommends the following normal delivery aftercare tips.

    Rest: Get plenty of rest and avoid physically demanding or strenuous activities.

    Hygiene: Maintain good hygiene to prevent infections.

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy, balanced diet to support your body’s recovery.

    Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

    Pain management: Use pain relievers as per the doctor’s instructions to manage discomfort.

    Kegel exercises: Start performing Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is an epidural?

    An epidural is a kind of regional anesthesia that blocks pain signals from the lower body.

    2. Is it safe

    Epidurals are generally considered safe when administered by a qualified gynecologist or painless normal delivery specialist.

    3. Can I move around with an epidural?

    You may have limited mobility while the epidural is in place, but you can usually still move your legs.

    4. Will it affect my ability to push?

    The epidural can be adjusted to allow you to feel the urge to push while still managing the pain.

    5. Can I have an epidural if I have had a previous cesarean?

    The decision to undergo normal delivery after a C-section usually depends on your circumstances. Discuss your medical history with the gynecologist.