Cesarean section or C-section, is a surgical method that involves making incisions in the mother’s abdomen to deliver one or more babies. Often, doctors recommend a C-section when normal delivery poses a risk to the mother and the baby. Below, the best female gynecologist in Newtown enlists some of the cases when a C-section is most preferred.
When do doctors opt for a C-section?
- No progression in labor: Labor dystocia is a condition when labor does not progress naturally. It creates complications like an extended first stage (the cervix takes a longer time to open) or a prolonged second stage either due to weak uterine contractions, small pelvis or the birth canal of the mother. In such cases, the baby is delivered via a C-section.
- Baby’s health is at risk: To mitigate potential complications, doctors may opt for a cesarean section when delivering babies diagnosed with specific conditions, such as excess fluid in the brain or congenital heart diseases.
- Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD): CPD refers to a situation where your baby’s head or body is too big to safely pass through the pelvis or it is too small for the delivery of an average-sized baby. The best lady gynecologist in Newtown recommends a cesarean section in such critical cases.
- The baby is unusually placed: If the baby is in an abnormal position, for instance, its shoulders come first; they are not delivered in the traditional method.
- The mother carries multiple babies: A C-section may be necessary if a woman carries twins, triplets, or more. This is particularly true if labor begins too early or if the babies are not positioned with their heads downward.
- Placenta previa: When the placenta is situated too low in the uterus, it obstructs your baby’s passage through the cervix and necessitates the need for a C-section.
- Prolapsed umbilical cord: The best gynecologist also opts for a C-section if the umbilical cord slips through the cervix soon after the water breaks.
- The mother has health concerns: When the mother suffers from certain health issues, such as heart or brain complications, a C-section is recommended for these health concerns.
- There’s a blockage: If there is an obstruction, such as a fibroid blocking the birth canal, a pelvic fracture, or the baby has an unusually large head, doctors opt for a C-section.
Benefits of a C-section
When a vaginal birth poses risks or potential harm to the newly born child, gynecologists often opt for a C-section to mitigate these risks. Sometimes, C-sections are unplanned. For instance, if your baby’s heart rate decreases to an unsafe level, an emergency C-section becomes a safer alternative to prevent further decline in the baby’s heart rate.
If you are pregnant and willing to know more about cesarean delivery, reach out to the best gynecologist in Newtown to have your queries answered and receive personalised guidance.