Gestational diabetes, a form of diabetes, develops in women during the gestation period, typically between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. It disrupts the normal utilization of glucose by cells, leading to an increased blood sugar level in the body. This rise in blood sugar affects the mother’s and baby’s well-being. If not appropriately addressed, it can cause pregnancy complications like excessive birth weight or preterm labor. Here, the best lady gynecologist in new town has discussed the causes, signs and treatment of gestational diabetes.


Gestational diabetes arises due to hormonal changes a woman’s body undergoes during pregnancy and how it affects the absorption of sugar in our body.

Insulin is a hormone that breaks down the glucose from food and feeds our cells. It regulates the amount of sugar in our blood. When this hormone fails to function properly, or we don’t have enough of it, sugar piles up in the blood, causing diabetes. During pregnancy, hormones mess with the functioning of insulin, making it hard to control one’s blood sugar levels, thus causing gestational diabetes.


This kind of diabetes usually doesn’t exhibit symptoms. However, the following are some signs that women experience:

  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Nausea
  • Tiredness


Women with gestational diabetes must visit their gynecologist frequently to keep a check on their blood sugar levels. They can also do it at home using a glucose meter. For some women with very high levels of blood sugar, the best gynecologist in Newtown recommends insulin tablets to control GD. In this case, it’s important for patients to take the dosages exactly as suggested by their doctor.

Doctors also suggest some lifestyle changes to manage gestational diabetes effectively at home. Some of them have been mentioned below.

  • Follow a healthy eating plan: A key aspect of this management involves adopting a healthy diet. Choosing healthier carbohydrates like chickpeas, lentils, and beans is essential. Reduce the intake of sugary desserts and snacks. Instead of them, focus on incorporating citrus fruits like oranges and grapes in moderation.
  • Be physically active: Staying active plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels, preventing excessive weight gain, and mitigating the risk of complications during pregnancy. Women are advised to opt for low-intensity activities like swimming, yoga, and cycling to stay fit and reduce stress during pregnancy.

Because gestational diabetes increases the risk of pregnancy complications, the best lady gynecologist advises women to prioritize their health and seek prompt medical attention.